Gucci Love


Spoil your special lady with this amazing arrangement that features a Gucci purse!! This arrangement comes with 57 Colombian Explorer red roses arranged in a custom black acrylic box that is tied and finished with a Black & White Stripe french ribbon and a dazzling Red and Pink Crystal brooch that she can wear for years to come. This amazing arrangement comes with a Gucci Marmont Matelasse Mini Bag with Chain shoulder strap. Gift Receipt included for exchange direct with Gucci within 10 days from date of purchase.

Gucci is one of the world's leading luxury fashion brands, with a renowned reputation for creativity, innovation and Italian craftsmanship.


Two Dozen Roses


Stunning traditional arrangement with 2 dozen red roses in a 16" black glass vase dazzled with a French stripped Black and White ribbon with a crystal red brooch that she can wear for years to come.


Lotsa Roses


Lots and Lots and Lots of Roses!!!!! This arrangement comes with 64 Colombian Explorer red roses arranged in a custom black acrylic box tied and finished with a Black & White Stripe french ribbon and a dazzling Red and Pink Crystal brooch which she will enjoy for years to come!


Sweet Roses


Stunning traditional arrangement with 2 dozen red roses in a 16" black glass vase dazzled with a French stripped Black and White ribbon with a crystal red brooch that she can wear for years to come. This arrangement also includes a 19-piece Assorted GODIVA Chocolate Gift Box, when only the best chocolates will do for your loved ones.

This 19-piece Gold Gift Box is filled with the finest assorted Valentine's Day chocolates, featuring milk chocolates, dark chocolates, and white chocolates with luscious Belgian fillings, including ganaches, pralines, caramels, plus juicy fruits and crunchy nuts.


Love Is Sweet


Dazzling arrangement that will make her heart know how much you care! Gold metal vase that includes 18 Pink Roses with 10 stems of Red Spray Roses, beautiful French stripped Black and White Ribbon with a crystal red brooch that she can wear for years to come.

This arrangement also includes a 19-piece Assorted GODIVA Chocolate Gift Box, when only the best chocolates will do for your loved ones.

This 19-piece Gold Gift Box is filled with the finest assorted Valentine's Day chocolates, featuring milk chocolates, dark chocolates, and white chocolates with luscious Belgian fillings, including ganaches, pralines, caramels, plus juicy fruits and crunchy nuts.


Trophy Of Love


Dazzling arrangement that will make her heart know how much you care! Gold metal vase that includes 18 Pink Roses with 10 stems of Red Spray Roses, beautiful French stripped Black and White Ribbon with a crystal Red brooch that she can wear for years to come.




When that tropical feeling comes over you, celebrate with a magical arrangement that makes you day dream about sitting on the beach!! A blend of our favorite tropical flowers arranged in a nice and reuseable hat box.


Blooming Bouquet


A burst of stunning colors will brighten your sweetheart's day along with a bottle of "Blooming Bouquet" perfume by Dior! This creative arrangement includes Hot Pink Roses, Green Hydrangeas, Anemones and Pink English Garden Roses arranged in a decorative Hat Box.

The sparkling and fresh floral perfume of Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet Eau de Toilette pays homage to Christian Dior's legendary passion for flowers.


Just For You


This gorgeous arrangement will let that special someone in your life know how much you care. An elegant arrangement with a mixture of Red Roses, Orchids, Pink spray roses in a glass vase.


Scent Of Beauty


Lush mix of vibrant flowers that include Red Roses, Hot Pink Roses, Pink Roses, Red Spray Roses, Green Hydrangeas, and Orchids in a nice black box. This arrangement includes a lovely bottle of "My Burberry Blush" perfume when only the best will do!


Velvet Box of Love


Red is the color of LOVE! Vibrant Red Velvet Hat Box overflowing with 36 Pink Roses, Wrapped in Black and White French Ribbon and comes with a stunning Red Brooch that can be used for years to come.


Loving Pink


Pink, Pink and Pink!! A exquisite arrangement and variety of flowers that will brighten your loved ones day. Designers choice of the most stunning Pink flowers arranged in a nice glass vase.
